Monday 30 May 2011

Fashion Buying

Fashion Buying - Outerwear buyer. 

Mission Statement
At Semplice we aim to provide exciting clothing for 18-25 females; giving a balance between quality and value for money. Our mission is to provide tasteful clothing with maturity at competitive high street prices. Our clothing will be unique and stylish; making our customers feel confident and sophisticated and being able to reflect their lifestyles.

Customer Profile
Our customer is an 18-25 female, she is fashion conscious, stylish, and unique. She will have a reasonable disposable income and most likely not be living at home. She likes to dress sophisticatedly as well as feeling she has value for money. She is mature and likes to express her individuality by keeping up with trends but having a unique twist. She is independent and feels her fashion has to reflect her personality. Other cultures such as music, media and celebrities are a big influence in her fashion and social life and she enjoys keeping up her fashionable appearance.

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